1. 名人和角色
  2. 电视
  3. The Imperfects

Juan Ruiz MBTI性格类型


"Juan Ruiz是什么人格? Juan Ruiz是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的9w1 - - ,五大类型中的RCUAI,Socionics中类型。"

[SPOILERS] Just something I observed in episode 7. Him and Tilda talking about what happened to PJ. Juan: Hate will eat you up inside, but you gotta find a way to forgive...for you. Tilda: Will forgiveness bring PJ back? Juan: No. Tilda: Then, what's the point? I feel like here you can see why Juan is INFP and Tilda is ISFP. Throughout the show, you can see both of their dominant Fi. Fi is about what the user feels is acceptable, justified, or right. This is why Fi is often associated with moral judgements. They were foremost concerned with what's the right thing to do or what they should do based on things like accountability and identity, who's to blame and who's the antagonist. Anyway, Ne is more about the abstract or the conceptual value while Se focuses on the physical world and the concrete value. With Fi + Ne, Juan has observed the pattern that when you don't fill yourself with forgiveness, hate will overcome you. He values this moral standard and you can see that he uses Ne to make his judgements. On the other hand, Tilda does not value or care about this. It physically will not bring PJ back thus it doesn't have value and she will not hold herself up to it. You can see that she makes her judgements with Se instead. Because she can't bring him back she feels she has the right to be angry and vengeful.

