Blue Eyes MBTI性格类型


"Blue Eyes是什么人格? Blue Eyes是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的2w1 - sp/sx - 541,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Obviously INFP.


Blue eyes have different connotations. Innocent "baby blues" or clear, pure, and shining, these eyes are blue to symbolize youth, naïveté, inexperience, and purity of soul. Piercing, pale blue eyes, that seem to look right through you. As a reflection of character, this variety of blue eyes indicates the coolness or even coldness (as in cold and calculating) of the person who has them. Light and watery, extremely pale eyes are the unsettling variety of blue eyes given to particularly degenerate and creepy characters. Sometimes, blue eyes indicate a character who either is demonic or possesses the "evil eye", magic, or witchcraft. In Mediterranean countries, this comes from the Demon's Eye amulet, which is always blue. Blue is also the eye colour of choice for many wizards who are eerie or sophisticated instead of mysterious.
