Hentai MBTI性格类型


"Hentai是什么人格? Hentai是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - sx/sp - 728,五大类型中的SLUEI,Socionics中SEE类型。"

I could see either ENTP or ESTP, but i think ne makes sense, hent*i allows for way more absurde situations than real p*rn, that is more grounded in reality (the settings, not the way people act). I don't think i have to explain why fi blind.


Hentai (hen = 'weird', tai = 'perspective/view') is the misinterpreted Japanese word for "pervert" or "perverted", and is used by the western world to describe sexually explicit anime, manga/doujinshi, video games (aka eroge), and other Japanese media of similar nature. Sometimes these can have actual plots, but much of the time they are as devoid of such a thing as most western pornography. Hentai material can focus on tender moments between high school students who are discovering passion together for the first time. It can be sweet, tender, and airbrushed, or it can be ghastly, gory, grotesque things that'd horrify a Castro Street leatherdaddy.
