Nautolan MBTI性格类型


"Nautolan是什么人格? Nautolan是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - so/sp - 974,五大类型中的SCUAI,Socionics中类型。"


The Nautolans were known as a peaceful race, and disliked unnecessary violence. However, when forced to fight, they were skilled warriors. They had great respect for what they called the "ocean spirit," which they believed existed to maintain the balance of nature on Glee Anselm. Nautolan society was prosperous, and they were generous in sharing their resources with others. The species was most comfortable underwater, preferring to be immersed in liquid. The society developed by the Nautolans on Glee Anselm was centralized around local families and governments. The centralized government of Glee Anselm was comprised of representatives from the Council of Elders that governed each settlement. Elders were elected on merit, and could be made up of youthful politicians as well as the most aged members of the society. A culture that promoted life-long mates, Nautolan families were characterized by their loyalty between spouses and the equality of the sexes in the household.
