1. 名人和角色
  2. 宗教
  3. Modern Classical

Amadou Bamba MBTI性格类型

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"Amadou Bamba是什么人格? Amadou Bamba是MBTI中的人格类型,九型中的 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke, (1853–1927) also known to followers as Khādimu 'al-Rasūl (خادِم الرسول) or "The Servant of the Messenger" and Serigne Touba or "Sheikh of Tuubaa", was a Sufi saint (Wali) and religious leader in Senegal and the founder of the large Mouride Brotherhood (the Muridiyya). Mbacke produced poems and tracts on meditation, rituals, work, and Quranic study. He led a pacifist struggle against the French colonial empire travelling across the Atlantic ocean while not waging outright war on the French like several prominent Tijani marabouts had done. Instead, he taught what he called the jihād al-'akbar or "greater struggle," which fought not through weapons but through learning and fear of God. Bamba's followers call him a mujaddid ("renewer of Islam"), citing a hadith that implies that God will send renewers of the faith every 100 years.

类似Amadou Bamba的宗教名人
