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  2. 网漫
  3. I'm The Grim Reaper

Chase Carter MBTI性格类型


"Chase Carter是什么人格? Chase Carter是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - sp/so - 163,五大类型中的RLOAI,Socionics中ILI类型。"

Seems, like there was another profile created, which is interesting, too be honest I don’t know why. I voted INTJ previosly due to the fact his Ni is really good. He’s able to find the deeper meaning behind certain actions people take. For example in the flashback he’s able to use his Ni in order to figure out where the kids were and what the criminal’s real intentions were. His Te and Fi are ever present in the way he wants to find the most efficent way possible of doing things while his Fi believes in a justice system of killing evil people no matter what. His inferior Se comes out when he is stressed and will brutally murder and kill others. I also chose INTJ because Ti is the 2nd strongest function of an INTJ just not used as much as Te. I don’t think ISTJ works. He doesn’t do things by the book, and is willing to break the rules. He even does detective work when he was fired. I don’t see inferior Ne anywhere. INTP or ISTP would make more sense.


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