Sam MBTI性格类型


"Sam是什么人格? Sam是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的9w1 - so/sp - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

SPOILERS. Reading the book, I'm often reminded of how he talks about himself like he's merely a background character with no significance whatsoever. He talks about how he's just the narrator and how he's not one of the characters. If he was an ISFP, we would see his usage of Se. But that's not the case. Sam is never really present in the moment, and he always fears that the past might repeat itself if he lets himself believe that everything in front of him is real. He's dealt with the loss of a loved one before and that'd been the reason why he didn't want to put himself through that again. When he saw Hikari, an ENFJ, she really brought out the side of him he buried deep within himself. She's a perfect contrast to Sam's pessimistic behaviour. Sam was quick to pick up the similarities between his first love and Hikari and his Fi kicked in, raising emotional walls to protect himself. Then he pretends she isn't real, that as long as he doesn't feel her realness, she would stay as a part of his imagination. His perception of time, death and diseases are so Ne. He gives them life. His inferior Te is often shown in between the pages. He's really slow when it comes to making moves and when he ends up making moves, he feels as though he is too late.

