1. 名人和角色
  2. 宗教
  3. Hinduism

Ramana Maharshi MBTI性格类型

Ramana Maharshi MBTI性格类型 image


"Ramana Maharshi是什么人格? Ramana Maharshi是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的5w6 - - 541,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Ramana Maharshi (30 December 1879 – 14 April 1950) was an Indian Hindu sage and jivanmukta (liberated being). He was born in Tiruchuli, Tamil Nadu, India. In 1895, an attraction to the sacred hill Arunachala and the 63 Nayanmars was aroused in him, and in 1896, at the age of 16, he had a "death-experience" where he became aware of a "current" or "force" (avesam) which he recognized as his true "I" or "self", and which he later identified with "the personal God, or Iswara", that is, Shiva. This resulted in a state that he later described as "the state of mind of Iswara or the jnani". Six weeks later he left his uncle's home in Madurai, and journeyed to the holy mountain Arunachala, in Tiruvannamalai, where he took on the role of a sannyasin (though not formally initiated), and remained for the rest of his life. He attracted devotees that regarded him as an avatar and came to him for darshan ("the sight of God").

类似Ramana Maharshi的宗教名人
