1. 名人和角色
  2. 卡通
  3. Joseph & Lindsey (2020)

Van Ramsbottom MBTI性格类型


"Van Ramsbottom是什么人格? Van Ramsbottom是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的6w5 - sx/sp - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Van Alvin Leonidas Ramsbottom (né Bennett, born February 29, 1988) is one of the main characters seen in The Plotagon Lobby in the episode "The Most Powerful & Dangerous Computer Virus". Joseph, Lindsey, and Avery are his good friends. He became the seventh richest inhabitant of Plotagon City after appearing on the Love Birds show with Chloe, his girlfriend. As stated in the episode "Hannah's First Day," he has a fondness for Cajun fries and Green Curry Plotagon. He and T.Q. were both born on a leap year day since they were both born on February 29, 1988, the same day and year as each other.
