Sube Sube no Mi MBTI性格类型
The Sube Sube no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that makes the user's body smooth and slippery, which in turn makes most attacks and objects slide off their body, protecting the user from harm in most situations. As seen with Alvida, if one is overweight in any way they will become slim by having the excess fat "slip off".[2] It was eaten by Alvida.
Gomu Gomu no Mi (Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika)
Ope Ope no Mi
Ito Ito no Mi
Hana Hana no Mi
Gura Gura no Mi
Mochi Mochi no Mi
Mero Mero no Mi
Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix