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  3. Single’s Inferno

Jo Yoong-Jae (S2) MBTI性格类型

Jo Yoong-Jae (S2) MBTI性格类型 image


"Jo Yoong-Jae (S2)是什么人格? Jo Yoong-Jae (S2)是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

His real mbti type: TRAITOR Why would he help Jinyoung push Jongwoo out of the sand pit when jongwoo is his friend? 😭😭💀 Doesnt yoongjae knows how much jongwoo likes seulki and wants to take her to paradise? I was actually expecting him and jongwoo to team up and tackle jinyoung together, given how Jinyoung seems stronger than both of them. It makes more sense this way as well. plus how yoongjae mentioned he likes strategizing and how he stepped in at the right time during the game to win 1st place with minimal effort (when jinyoung did most of the work pushing out the other guys) … This guy might be INFJ 2w1 but there’s also smth off about him.

