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Thoth, Arbiter of the Damned MBTI性格类型

Thoth, Arbiter of the Damned MBTI性格类型 image


"Thoth, Arbiter of the Damned是什么人格? Thoth, Arbiter of the Damned是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的 - - 594,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Three great battles there have been, and at each, Thoth was present, aiding the forces of order to triumph over chaos. When Ra faced the world serpent Apep for the final time, Thoth's spells shielded Ra against the reptile. When Osiris was dismembered by his brother Set, Thoth taught Eset the incantations to reassemble him. And when Horus, the child of Eset and Osiris, battled Set once again for control of the Kingdom, Thoth's rituals cleansed the young man of Set's vilest poisons. All of the secrets, the power, the wisdom of the universe, Thoth has placed into this book. He is the guardian of this knowledge, invoking it only to save the world, to keep it from descending into disorder. But now, the world is falling into chaos. God battles God. The heavens quake, the earth shudders, the seas boil, and mortals cry out. If ever there was a time for Thoth to break the binding of his book, it is now. This world is unprepared for the secrets he will reveal.

类似Thoth, Arbiter of the Damned的游戏角色

