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Serqet, Goddess of Venom MBTI性格类型

Serqet, Goddess of Venom MBTI性格类型 image


"Serqet, Goddess of Venom是什么人格? Serqet, Goddess of Venom是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Holding dominion over serpents and scorpions, Serqet normally watches from the shadows. Observing the world, her poisons are both a weapon of punishment and an instrument of protection. The wicked meet their end by venom's sting, and the worthy are embalmed by the fluids taken from her beasts. That she has appeared on the battlefields of the gods is a sign that she sees an evil that must be punished.

类似Serqet, Goddess of Venom的游戏角色

