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Jeff Bandelin (JohnnyUtah) MBTI性格类型

Jeff Bandelin (JohnnyUtah) MBTI性格类型 image


"Jeff Bandelin (JohnnyUtah)是什么人格? Jeff Bandelin (JohnnyUtah)是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的5w6 - sp/sx - ,五大类型中的RCOEN,Socionics中类型。"

No Se-Ni at all so ISTP is completely off the table. Jeff is a person who’s not very spontaneous or taking things as they go. He likes what he likes and never really deviates. He is def on the Ne-Si axis, with some pretty strong Si. The other members usually point out how detail oriented he is. I thought he might just be an irritable INTP but his Si is wayyy too high to be tertiary. i don’t really see inferior Fe either, as he doesn’t seem to do that INTP-Specific Thing where they are aware of how the group perceives them and can kinda play off that in a humorous way (Zach does this all the time) Anyways, Strong Si, He’s not very open minded and his straight man shtick isn’t even a shtick he’s just genuinely baffled at all the stuff they say on the podcast. as for Te i can’t recall specific moments rn, but there are statements he’s said that are very Te. Not wanting to delve into the logic or reasoning and instead just wanting to utilize and put those reasons into action (Te) Also his answer out of any of their hypothetical questions is always the easiest answer or whatever would shut them up lol


Jeff Bandelin, more commonly known by his online alias JohnnyUtah, is an American Flash-animator and video-game developer. He has contributed many works to Newgrounds, having been involved with the site since it's early days, as well as being a moderator and staff member. He has also won many awards for his works and animations. Jeff is a member of SleepyCabin and has appeared many times on SleepyCast.
