Jed Lucan MBTI性格类型


"Jed Lucan是什么人格? Jed Lucan是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的8w9 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的SCOEN,Socionics中SLE类型。"

I don't think his Fe is inferior. I'll make this comment a bit longer for the sake of informative value. WARNING: BIG SPOILER AHEAD I think he doesn't have inferior Fe in both a "positive" and "negative" sense. He has a strong sense of community and helping others, he enjoys seeing people work together like in the LARP and the festival. However, (again spoiler warning) he also has a manipulative side. He pretended to be nice to Alex while trying to intimidate her anonymously. He tried to anonymously scare her away from finding out more about Typhon. Then, when this didn't work, he pretended to be on her side and claimed he wanted to show her proof when actually planning to get rid of her. That's why I see Fe in him in a positive (helping, sense of community) and a negative (manipulative, pretending to be nice) sense


Jed Lucan is a resident of the town Haven Springs in Life is Strange: True Colors. He is Ryan’s father.
