Cole MBTI性格类型


"Cole是什么人格? Cole是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的7w6 - sx/sp - 784,五大类型中的RLOEI,Socionics中LSI类型。"

Long comment but how come my man is voted ENTP? It doesn't make any sense to me. The stereotypical INTJ arrogance & introversion is very much visible in him, I can't see any ENTP traits other than him being an eccentric intuitive dom; however, any type could be eccentric, given mental health problems - which is quite much the case with a yandere character, tbf. A more detailed analysis for nerdy purposes: ■ Ni>Ne: Cole is socially withdrawn, he thinks of life as a puzzle, is highly machiavellian and thinks he is more abstract than others. Ni doms often have this sort of edgy 'I can understand things no other people can' stance, which can make Ni look like a know-it-all, annoying characteristic. Both INFJs and INTJs struggle with expressing such thoughts, also visible in Cole's POV of him saying that noone understands him etc. He's nowhere near as random, or out-there expressing his weird ideas like a Ne user would (even introverted Ne users are more expressive with their odd ideas than any Ni user). ■ Te>Ti: I think this is what's causing trouble, for Ti and Ni can come off as similar features + yandere eccentrism = misreading. Cole is very much goal-oriented and doesn't like to waste his time on things that are outside his plans. He doesn't have the thirst for knowledge as much as a Ti user would, the whole cat-and-mouse chase is a Ni-Te-Se fun game he's having (think about Yagami Light, dude is debated to be either ENTJ/INTJ). ■ Fi>Fe: This is where all hell breaks lose. INTJs have a strong weakness in their Fe, it's basically non-existent, while ENTPs use it on a regular basis. Cole is terrible with social intelligence, is ignorant to his own ego, and also is a romantic type, just as much as Ayano in Crush Crush (they are based on the same character, and Ayano is clearly voted INTJ). There is simply no trace of Fe in him, no matter how deep you search. Compare that to an ENTP's Fe... yep, no way. ■ Se>Si: I think this is apparent. Seeking physical thrill, excitement in his... actions. Not paying enough attention to detail, letting himself almost caught for his Ni-Te-Se game for pure playing around.


A mentally-unstable young man that was turned into a panther. He murders a fish in a bathroom, expecting Marshmallow to be called to investigate due to their reputation in saving animals. (Fortunately, the fish doesn't appear to have been a cursed boy.)

