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  2. 电视
  3. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Dr. Gilbert "Gil" Grissom MBTI性格类型

Dr. Gilbert "Gil" Grissom MBTI性格类型 image


"Dr. Gilbert "Gil" Grissom是什么人格? Dr. Gilbert "Gil" Grissom是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的5w6 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中LII类型。"

Oh hey, thank you for adding this profile, I was curious about this… Would it be too harsh to say that Gil Grissom is a textbook - or rather, he is the spitting image of an INTP 5w6. Ti-Ne is definitely all over the place in his investigate practices, able to evaluate theories about situations with sporadically systematic thinking. And yeah, tertiary Si comes up when he recites lines of philosophical texts every now and then. And then yes, spitting image of 5w6 with his knowledgeable practice - w6 especially in working with more tangible sciences. It also seems like he is regular in and out of 8 integration, having the confidence and decisiveness to head up CSI night shifts as is often the case. I’m still learning instinctual variants, so I’m going to let those with more expertise take on that subject… Now, I haven’t watched the show in it’s entirety, but I have sat in on a lot of episodes and it’s pretty engaging material. Yeah, I think the main batch of characters is pretty endearing and full of quirky characteristics. Very appreciative of the individual who uploaded these profiles once again. Thank you.


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