1. 名人和角色
  2. 网漫
  3. Aisha

Sean MBTI性格类型


"Sean是什么人格? Sean是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的5w4 - sp/sx - ,五大类型中的SCOEI,Socionics中LIE类型。"

so here’s my explanation why ENTJ when Sean got tricked by Aisha into chasing his dog at the lake, he got so upset then literally cut her hand. i also remember the author said: - he did it bc he wanted to give a deep impression to Aisha, that she will remember this (the cut) later on. Ni. - however, his main goal was to make Aisha not to trick him again and he took a big (a bit too far too) step like cutting her hand, but it really worked. all he think abt is what would work. Te. actually there’s so many other occasions where his Te is so clear, like when he helped his piano tutor (i don’t want to mention it 💀) he said he helped bc it would relieve her longing to her dead husband, and bc she helped him with piano too, so why not? then he moved on abt it quickly, and called it past mistake like?? isn’t that Te-Se? i actually have more explanations but i’ll stop here



