1. 名人和角色
  2. 音乐
  3. European, Musicians

Viki Gabor MBTI性格类型


"Viki Gabor是什么人格? Viki Gabor是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中EIE类型。"

really? ENTJ? hahaahahah.


Wiktoria "Viki" Genowefa Gabor (born 10 July 2007) is a Polish singer. She began her career in 2019, as a runner-up on the second season of The Voice Kids Poland, and then later won the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2019 with the song "Superhero". She is the second Polish entrant to win the contest, and her win marked the first time a country had won the contest twice in a row. In 2020 she released her debut album "Getaway (Into My Imagination)".
