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  2. 音乐
  3. 1940's Songs

It's Been a Long Long Time - Jule Styne&Sammy Chan MBTI性格类型

It's Been a Long Long Time - Jule Styne&Sammy Chan MBTI性格类型 image


"It's Been a Long Long Time - Jule Styne&Sammy Chan是什么人格? It's Been a Long Long Time - Jule Styne&Sammy Chan是MBTI中的ISFJ人格类型,九型中的 - sp/sx - 692,五大类型中的RLOAN,Socionics中EII类型。"


"It's Been a Long, Long Time" is a big band-era song that was a hit at the end of World War II, with music by Jule Styne and lyrics by Sammy Cahn. The most popular recording, by trumpeter Harry James and His Orchestra with vocalist Kitty Kallen, debuted in October 1945 on Billboard's Best-Selling Popular Retail Records chart and reached number one in the chart dated November 24, 1945 – the last of Harry James's nine US number ones. The record features a solo by alto saxophonist Willie Smith. Wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_Been_a_Long,_Long_Time#:~:text=%22It's%20Been%20a%20Long%2C%20Long,and%20lyrics%20by%20Sammy%20Cahn.
