1. 名人和角色
  2. 电视
  3. Midnight Mass (2021)

Erin Greene MBTI性格类型


"Erin Greene是什么人格? Erin Greene是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的6w7 - so/sp - 269,五大类型中的SCUAI,Socionics中IEE类型。"

Below I explain my votes for MBTI and Tritype. INFP: This consensus took me a while to warm up to, but I think I agree with it now. - Fi: Her moral compass is very strong and very personal to her, perhaps the strongest part of her sense of identity, as it's proven to steer her in the right direction when she's most needed it. It is the part of herself she can most rely on. She listens to what feels right to her even if everyone else urges something different, and because she's learned to listen to her conscience, she's shown to have a good heart. - Ne: She is one of the most open-minded people in town. Instead of feeling threatened or offended by beliefs that differ from hers, she considers them and has a lot of compassion for people of different faiths. Her role as a schoolteacher perfectly represents her appreciation for the exchange of ideas. Ne can also be seen in her past departure from the town to seek a new life and new experiences. - Si: I see Si everywhere in her appreciation of the little things in life, be they related to motherhood or not. Wearing the comfiest clothes, sorting through old belongings and memories of her past, seeking stability... This isn't proof, but in contrast, I don't see any Se in her, even if her past might suggest some. I think those adventures of hers could just as well be credited to Ne. - Te: Again with the exchange of ideas. The truth she's adopted is ultimately the one others have taught her and what satisfies her dominant Fi the most. Compare her to Riley, a Ti dom who discovered his own understanding of the truth. Tritype 692: I'm confident in these numbers, but you could change my mind on the order. - 6: Skeptical, analytical, community-focused, needs to be anchored to other people. Even though Erin is an independent thinker to a fair extent, she seems to lose herself when she doesn't have other people to attach her identity to. - 9: Well, she certainly doesn't have a 1 or an 8 in there. She is fairly passive and likes to consider all viewpoints. - 2: I almost thought there should be a 4 here instead, especially considering her past, but her desire for identity can be attributed to the 6. She doesn't linger in self-pity, she doesn't see herself as special, she doesn't have an unfulfilled sense of longing, and most importantly, she just wants to be loved. She finds herself in relation to other people, be it her mother, her husband, her baby, Riley, or the kids she teaches. When she says that her baby saved her life, it only proves that the meaning she finds in her life is in serving others, and without it, she's overcome with shame. ...Come to think of it, my mother is an INFP 926 and a teacher (also 9w1 sp/so). By comparison, Erin is generally more discerning and skeptical, less desperate to please, less inspired, and less creative. There's a greater draw in Erin for belonging and less of a need for independence. I think Erin is a 6 because she's constantly surveying, discerning where to go, who to connect with, when to speak up, etc.


Riley's childhood sweetheart who is now a schoolteacher on Crockett Island and expecting a child.
