Charlie MBTI性格类型


"Charlie是什么人格? Charlie是MBTI中的ESFJ人格类型,九型中的2w3 - sx/so - 279,五大类型中的SLOAN,Socionics中ESE类型。"

Completely agree with ESFJ SX/SO, however I don’t think his core type is 2. For one, SX/SO 2s are known as seducers, which is not what I’d categorize his form of communication or appearance as whatsoever. He fits SX/SO 7 very well in my opinion, and matches 7w6. While he can be helpful, I’d say his main motivation is to remain happy and cheerful. Both 2 and 7 are in his tritype, though. A 7w6 is positive and group-oriented, and enjoy making people feel happy and laugh. I think that matches him very well, not to mention his whole approach and outlook on life is textbook SX 7 IMO.

