Li Yanru MBTI性格类型


"Li Yanru是什么人格? Li Yanru是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - so/sp - 152,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

So I've finally researched my guess for her possible tritype. I was guessing that she could be a 152 or a 154, but she didn't really suit the description of a 154 that much, but she could still be one. However, 152 really just suits her; The 125 is focused on helping others through their information, being a mentor and being of service. This is a scholar archetype. Caring but practical and knowledgeable.  -It wasn't like she wasn't caring back then. She was actually caring for others and willing to help, like a good mentor. (2)-5-1 - The Competent 2 2-(5)-1 - The Compliant 5 2-5-(1) - The Power-Seeking 1 Very controlling and demanding, but also very helpful advisers. They feel they understand much of the world and how it should be. They try to help people by providing them advice sometimes unwanted advice. They have high expectations of others, and may tend to push people to their limits. Persistent, Aggression with tenacity or persistence makes one able to be relentless in their pursuits. -Do I even have to explain this?? It's so her. Her personality after the fall of her kingdom and how Qiyan saw her may seem like a 154, but I have a high instinct that she's just a 152 but very unhealthy. If she isn't 152, then I don't know what else she could be the closest to being.

