1. 名人和角色
  2. 运动
  3. Track & Field

Darlan Romani MBTI性格类型

Darlan Romani MBTI性格类型 image


"Darlan Romani是什么人格? Darlan Romani是MBTI中的人格类型,九型中的2w1 - so/sp - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中LSE类型。"


Darlan Romani (born 9 April 1991 in Concórdia) is a Brazilian track and field athlete specialising in the shot put. He finished 4th at the 2020 Olympic Games, 4th at the 2019 World Championships, and was champion of the 2019 Pan American Games.

类似Darlan Romani的运动名人
