Marquess Philip Rodson MBTI性格类型


"Marquess Philip Rodson是什么人格? Marquess Philip Rodson是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的3w2 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

We tend to think that ENFJs are positive people, hence All Might and Mirio from BNHA. Most of my friends are ENFJs and they are very nice, but I know that some people who are ENFJs can be unhealthy, domineering, vain and contemplative. This guy fits in the exact description of unhealthy ENFJ. He doesn’t really love Blondina, he just wants to be a knight in shining armor who comes to rescue her. Yeah right, when he doesn’t even deserve her. He ignores Blondina’s courteous refusal towards his unwanted advances and tries to domineer her, which was so annoying. He definitely needed some oraora care from Jotaro along with Princess Adellai(another villain in the web toon who really got on my nerves).


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