1. 名人和角色
  2. 电影
  3. The Princess Bride (1987)

The Ancient Booer (Buttercup's Dream) MBTI性格类型

The Ancient Booer (Buttercup's Dream) MBTI性格类型 image


"The Ancient Booer (Buttercup's Dream)是什么人格? The Ancient Booer (Buttercup's Dream)是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w3 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Interesting: she has the same type and ennea as Buttercup, and she serves as Buttercup's conscience!


The Ancient Booer (also known as the Ancient Woman) is an old lady that boos loudly and speaks out against Queen Buttercup in her nightmare about marrying Humperdinck. Margery Mason portrayed her. "Boo! Boo! Rubbish! Filth! Slime! Muck! Boo! Boo! Boo!"

类似The Ancient Booer (Buttercup's Dream)的电影角色
