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  3. Oh My English!

"Jojie" Rozita Che Tu MBTI性格类型

"Jojie" Rozita Che Tu MBTI性格类型 image


""Jojie" Rozita Che Tu是什么人格? "Jojie" Rozita Che Tu是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - - ,五大类型中的SCUAN,Socionics中类型。"


"Tepi sikit!!" Jojie is a tough and clumsy tomboy who sometimes can't keep herself clean, developing a war with Khai sometimes. Jojie is a tough tomboy who loves to hang out with the boys often because she is not into fashion or any girly things. Although she is clumsy and a tomboy, everyone finds her endearing. She is a free-spirited type since she enjoys the freedom of being exactly who she is. She is also a very messy one, much to Khai's distaste and because the duo are sitting next to each other in class, they sometimes develop a love-hate relationship with each other.

类似"Jojie" Rozita Che Tu的电视角色

