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Konrad von Bentheim MBTI性格类型

Konrad von Bentheim MBTI性格类型 image


"Konrad von Bentheim是什么人格? Konrad von Bentheim是MBTI中的ESTJ人格类型,九型中的3w4 - so/sx - 386,五大类型中的,Socionics中LSE类型。"

This guy is the proof that not all fictional ESTJs need to be assholes. No yelling at people, but a serious and composed demeanor. He's a good counselor, always bringing objective facts to the table and choosing practical advice rather than emotional support. He puts his military duties above all else, even if it means sacrificing his own feelings and desires, and doesn't complain about it. Inferior Fi is the most hidden part, and brings Te's values to an higher degree of authenticity: loyalty and support are shown through deeds, "duties" become personal goals. Auxiliary Si is grounded in experience, often recalls past moments and has a good eye (and memory) for useful "details", noticing what others (see: Friedrich) don't notice or try to hide, and he can recognize them instantly. He also has some Si/Ne humour: witty remarks and understatement mixed with Te's objectivity, based on these aforementioned details. Two of the main reasons why I think his core enneagram is 3w4 (proving his own worth through achievement) and not 1w9, are: 1) he doesn't want to let others know he's a prince and prefers to be valued for his military skills only; 2) he's not a "moral perfectionist"; he just values integrity, efficiency and military ethic for the sake of his goal. Unsure of his tritype. He has a 6w7 and a wing 9, but can't really decide between 1w9 or 8w9.

