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Hate on Monday MBTI性格类型

Hate on Monday MBTI性格类型 image


"Hate on Monday是什么人格? Hate on Monday是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - sp/sx - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中SLI类型。"

I wonder where my pipe went.... GARFIELD!!


People can sometimes hate a certain day of the week, due to bad luck and misfortune that seem to only happen to them on that day. When they start hating it, they often start dreading the coming day on the day before. Monday is one of, if not the most hated-on days, perhaps because it's the day that many people go back to work/school after the weekend, which not many people look forward to the ending of. Of course, this isn't universal, as some people work in facilities that have a different weekly business schedule (such as Wednesday through Sunday), or are open 7 days a week and therefore the days one has off may be different than the usual Saturday and Sunday, or even inconsistent from week to week.
