Gudea MBTI性格类型


"Gudea是什么人格? Gudea是MBTI中的人格类型,九型中的2w1 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Gudea (Sumerian: 𒅗𒌤𒀀, Gu3-de2-a) was a ruler (ensi) of the state of Lagash in Southern Mesopotamia who ruled c. 2144–2124 BC. He probably did not come from the city, but had married Ninalla, daughter of the ruler Ur-Baba (2164–2144 BC) of Lagash, thus gaining entrance to the royal house of Lagash. He was succeeded by his son Ur-Ningirsu. Gudea ruled at a time when the center of Sumer was ruled by the Gutian dynasty, and when Ishtup-Ilum ruled to the north in Mari.[1] Under Gudea, Lagash had a golden age, and seemed to enjoy a high level of independence from the Gutians.

