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  3. Air Awakens

Vhalla Yarl MBTI性格类型


"Vhalla Yarl是什么人格? Vhalla Yarl是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的5w6 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Vhalla‘s Fe is definitely too well developed to be inferior. As for the fact that she prefers a logical approach to things, this may rear from her 5 fix. Also, her having e6 traits leads to a wish to establish security and safety within her environments, which again leads to a rather rational perception of the situation. And I think it’s generally not exactly right to assume an INFJ isn’t capable of having a logical thought process (as a dominant approach I mean). Tbf, when it comes to INFJs, one should consider the fact that these people are so much more than just highly sensitive people in terms of society’s emotions. INFJs can be just as analytical as Thinking-Perceivers, them having Ti as their tertiary - and therefore one of the less developed functions - doesn’t make it more improbable. I know a lot of INFJs, who just prefer an analytical point of view to one that is completely driven by emotions. Yes, they are emotional beings, but that doesn’t mean they don’t consider a rational basis and argument. Having said that, I‘d also like to mention that I can very much relate to her actions, in fact, I‘d even react the same in a lot of situations that happen throughout the story. Despite everything that happens, Vhalla manages to keep a clear head, analyse through everything, even when being pained by her emotional perceptions and values. And that’s the beauty of healthy INFJs I think. I hope, this makes sense to those who read it.

