Neil MBTI性格类型


"Neil是什么人格? Neil是MBTI中的ESTJ人格类型,九型中的8w9 - so/sx - 835,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

CONTAINS SPOILERS Since there’s no doubt he’s a Te dom, I’ll focus on analyzing whether he’s Si-Ne or Ni-Se. let me just say that I don’t want to stereotype or portray introverted perceiving functions in an overly negative way and I’m aware Si doesn’t equal memories, same way planning for the future doesn’t equal Ni, so I’m not taking these into account. also him being vengeful and wanting to broaden his influence and rule isn’t Ni (I’d say that’s the effect of trauma + unhealthy enneagram 8). So Si is perceiving the world through the net of tangible subjective experiences, which leads to relying on what’s “tried and true”, what the Si user encountered already and is familiar with. Throughout the game Neil is mostly preoccupied with how things were and how things should be based on what was in the past. This can be seen contrasting with Aaron (who’s an ISTP, so Se-Ni axis) when Aaron point out that times have changed, some of the rules are archaic and aren’t really paid attention to, and life in the vampire society in the present doesn’t look the same way it looked centuries ago. Another big thing for Neil is returning to his old life, even not taking into account his weakened physical state, which he constantly compares his current situation to. To me it appears like staying in the present moment and adapting to his environment doesn’t come that easily to him (like in the scene where MC catches him sitting in front of the fireplace and he tells her he’s not used to things moving so fast) and while this may be a J thing, I think it’s especially high Si users who tend to be quite bothered by unpredictability, being thrown off balance and being in an unknown situation. Even his paranoia that the other vampires are out to get him when they obviously aren’t seems to stem from ~enneagram 8~ him perceiving all his interactions with the other vampires based on what he observed/experienced in the past (that’s evident when he tells the MC about how when he was a king he learned that it pays to be cautious, he bases his current perception on what happened to him x time ago). Now it’s obvious that any type can subscribe to traditions, xNTJs are no exception. However the strong sense of duty and the emphasis he puts on following traditions, old customs, hierarchy and the rules seems to stem from the fact that they are familiar to him. He doesn’t bother challenging them, doesn’t ponder on why they are there in the first place and just thinks that since they’ve been around for so long, since time immemorial - it’s tried and true, how it’s supposed to be. His reasoning behind maintaining that pre established system seems pretty grounded and concrete as opposed to a more abstract, personal and symbolic ideology behind it that’s typical in high Ni users. And while he is willing to break the rules when it benefits him (Te efficiency over Si), it still is a big deal for him to keep the familiar order in place. The whole point of the good ending besides making him more empathetic is making him more flexible and in touch with objective reality by pushing him out of his comfort zone instead of letting him return to what his old life looked like and remain with his preconceived notions about humans, other vampires and how the world should work. Overall his judgements and decisions seem to rely on tangible factual data he’s consciously gathered through his long life used to render the most likely possibilities rather than unconscious impressions, hunches and metaphorical thinking based on real time observation of what is happening around him. Now let me bring up some quotes to back up what I said: “Unlike them, I’m a pureblood vampire. They should show some respect.” “A leath can’t tell a pure-blood vampire what to do.” “As for Aaron, Raphael and the others… They're not pure-bloods. They're not iomláns. They should all show me some respect.” “According to our ancestral laws, I should be the one in charge here” “Leaths like you are supposed to obey me. It’s in the natural order of things.” and Aaron responding “I know about those laws. They’re archaic. No one follows them anymore” “(…) They don’t bother learning about our laws or traditions.” “That was interesting… It reminded me of the old days when I used to fight…” “You see, vampires aren’t meant to fall in love…” “(…) I’m trying to fulfill my duty as an iomlán and protect you, but you don’t even have the decency to give me a clear answer.” “Of course. That’s what real iomláns do. We control, we dominate, we rule. We like to look at the big picture” ~lmao yeah right~ “Well, there’s still a certain hierarchy, a natural order of things, that must be respected…” “You invited me here tonight. It’s my duty to ensure that you behave yourselves.” when questioned whether he’s always suspicious of others “Yes. When you become a king, you quickly learn that it pays to be cautious” more below +


Neil is one of the characters in the Moonlight Lovers otome game.

