Grant Bowler MBTI性格类型


"Grant Bowler是什么人格? Grant Bowler是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Grant Bowler (born 18 July 1968 in Auckland, New Zealand) is a New Zealand-born actor who has worked in American, Australian, New Zealand, and Canadian film, television and theatre. He is known for playing the role of Constable Wayne Patterson in Blue Heelers and Wolfgang West in Outrageous Fortune. He also appeared as Wilhelmina Slater's love interest Connor Owens in Ugly Betty. In November 2010, he was announced as the host of The Amazing Race Australia. He currently stars as Joshua Nolan on the Syfy television series Defiance.

类似Grant Bowler的流行文化名人
