1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Dead by Daylight

Cheryl "Heather" Mason MBTI性格类型

Cheryl "Heather" Mason MBTI性格类型 image


"Cheryl "Heather" Mason是什么人格? Cheryl "Heather" Mason是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - sp/sx - 964,五大类型中的RCUEN,Socionics中SLI类型。"

Call me stubborn, but for me Cheryl will always have the same personality as in her original game, I mean dah...


A YOUNG VETERAN OF TERROR Cheryl Mason, also known as Heather Mason, found herself thrust into an otherworldly nightmare when an ordinary shopping trip results in her being pursued by the otherwordly influence of the town of Silent Hill. Finding herself haunted by the otherworld wherever she went, she was forced to visit the town in order to put an end to her living nightmare. Facing off with otherworldy monsters, as well as a cult known as the Order, Heather's journey led her to face dark truths, revealing her connection to the Order and the town through her past lives. It was after escaping the clutches of the Order that she began to use the name Cheryl. Though she had survived her ordeal, the incident left its fair share of trauma on her. Hoping to get some peace of mind, she volunteered at a center for troubled youths. Things seemed to be going well, until one day she recieved a call from what seemed to be a member of the Order from her past, who she thought to be dead. In that moment of panic and confusion, Cheryl was spirited away by the Entity. As a Survivor, Cheryl's unique perks Soul Guard, Blood Pact, and Repressed Alliance allow her to get herself up from the dying state while afflicted with a Hex and protect herself from hits afterward, help the obsession by revealing herself to them and giving each other a boost after healing, and block generators from being attacked by the Killer for a short duration. Soul Guard grants you endurance after recovering from the dying state by any means, and allows you to fully recover from the dying state if there's an active Hex in the trial. Blood Pact mutually reveals the auras of you and the Obsession when either of you are injured, and grants you both haste when either of you heal the other. Repressed Alliance allows you to summon the Entity to block a generator for a brief period of time after completing a certain amount of repairs.

类似Cheryl "Heather" Mason的游戏角色
