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Jeremy Wade Delle MBTI性格类型

Jeremy Wade Delle MBTI性格类型 image


"Jeremy Wade Delle是什么人格? Jeremy Wade Delle是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sx/sp - 495,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中IEI类型。"


“Sixty-four degrees and cloudy in a suburban neighborhood”. January 8th, 1991, if you were alive and old enough, then memory should serve you right that it was a normal day. For Jeremy Wade Delle and the Richardson Texas High School, it wasn’t. The tragic events at this high school lead to the inspiration of Pearl Jam’s 1992 single “Jeremy” that’s remembered not only by its ambiguous lyrics but also it’s highly controversial music video.

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