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  2. Television

Extraordinary Attorney Woo MBTI性格类型

Extraordinary Attorney Woo中您喜欢的人物的人格类型是什么?

Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Extraordinary Attorney Woo

In many areas of her education and law career, Woo Young-woo has excelled thanks to her high IQ and photographic memory. However, she struggles to relate to the people around her due to her autism and a low EQ. When she starts to work at a large law firm, the story follows Woo Young-woo’s growth as she learns how to connect with others and turn her weaknesses into a strength. (Source: https://www.dramabeans.com/2021/11/park-eun-bin-becomes-strange-lawyer-woo-young-woo-in-new-drama/)

Extraordinary Attorney Woo演员的人格类型

什么是Extraordinary Attorney Woo演员的人格类型?做Extraordinary Attorney Woo演员具有与角色相同的人格类型。

Extraordinary Attorney Woo创作者的人格类型

哪些人格类型创建Extraordinary Attorney Woo?
