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Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016) MBTI性格类型

Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)中您喜欢的人物的人格类型是什么?

Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)

Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)

Voltron: Legendary Defender is an animated web television series produced by American companies DreamWorks Animation and World Events Productions and animated by South Korean Studio Mir. It is a reboot of Japanese anime series Beast King GoLion and the Voltron franchise, and its animation is a mix of anime-influenced traditional animation for characters and background and CGI for Voltron action sequences. Voltron: Legendary Defender is set in a science fiction universe where planetary energy called "quintessence" can be used to power vehicles and magic. The series follows the adventures of the Paladins of Voltron who must learn to work together to form the giant robot Voltron and use it to defeat the evil Galra Empire.  The first season premiered on Netflix on June 10, 2016.

Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)演员的人格类型

什么是Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)演员的人格类型?做Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)演员具有与角色相同的人格类型。

Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)创作者的人格类型

哪些人格类型创建Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016)?
