1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Cartoni animati
  3. Family Guy (1999)

Lois Griffin tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Lois Griffin? Lois Griffin è un tipo di personalità ENFJ in mbti, 2w3 - so/sx - 261 in enneagram, SLOAN in big 5, ESE in socionics."

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Being the only mature person in the family, Lois is very competent as the only real caretaker. She is able to meet all her family’s wild and vastly different needs. She puts up with a lot of non-sense and is ridiculously forgiving considering everything. By contrast, she is also able to put her foot down when she feels people are really stepping out of line. She’s even in tune with her neighbors’ needs and is generally a strong pillar in her community, showing great emphasis on her social status and thus why she despises when Peter embarrasses them. Introverted Intuition (Ni): Though she is comfortable in her role as a housewife, Lois is still quite idealistic. She has pretty decent socio-political awareness, more than your average soccer mom and can even stay two steps ahead of ultra-liberal Brian. She has good insight into her family member’s behaviors and sees their patterns. She knows whether Peter will get tired of his latest shenanigans or if he will keep up with it. She can tell when Chris is having girl troubles or when Brian has fallen in love again. She also knows whether Meg’s latest crisis is real or a cry for attention. Extroverted Sensing (Se): From what we know of Lois’ past, it appears she was quite wild. She has done pornography and has alluded many times to various drug use, even to this day. She is still rather adventurous, taking on new endeavors, looking for adrenaline rushes and often showing a kinky side. In some rare occasions, she even partakes in Peter’s crazy schemes and antics. Introverted Thinking (Ti): Lois is usually shown to be really keen and intelligent. She has no problem calling a spade a spade and can be rather blunt with her family when they are acting irrationally, which happens more often than not. However, it seems that she suppresses her cold, logical side a lot in favor of keeping harmony in the family.


Lois Griffin was born to affluent WASP parents, Carter and Barbara Pewterschmidt. It is revealed in the episode "Family Goy" that her mother is actually a Holocaust survivor who concealed her Judaism,though she was raised a Protestant. Lois and the rest of the Griffins live in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island. She primarily works as a housewife throughout the series, though she did give piano lessons in early episodes.

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