Fai D. Flowright نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Fai D. Flowright؟ Fai D. Flowright هو نوع INFP في mbti ، 7w6 - so/sp - 749 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، EIE في Socionics."

I'm not sure how Fai is classified as an ENFJ, especially with all his secrecy and kept in feelings. The fact that Fai doesn't express his (true) feelings all that often screams Fi to me, and that added with the fact that he usually puts his beliefs and emotions before other people's or the common group (believing he is worthless although everyone believes otherwise; not confronting personal problems although Kurogane is obviously pissed from him NOT confronting the problem), cements that he is not Fe dominant. On the other hand, his Ne is very showy, with his antiques and dreaminess ("I want someone to come in and sweep me away"). Most of his cheery public persona does not come from his Fe, but rather his Ne.

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#DaisukeNamikawa #VicMignogna

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