1. الناس والشخصيات
  2. مسرح
  3. Heathers: The Musical

Jason Dean "J.D." نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Jason Dean "J.D."؟ Jason Dean "J.D." هو نوع ISFP في mbti ، 4w3 - sx/sp - 468 في enneagram ، RLUEI في Big 5 ، IEI في Socionics."

Why would he even be ENTP what. He's nothing like his movie counterpart, who constantly logically justifies his way of thinking and criticises others from a more generalising, impersonal stance and easily manipulates other people by recognising and appealing to what they believe in ("you believed it because you wanted to believe it, your true feelings were too icky for you to face", "Football season is over, Veronica. Kurt and Ram had nothing left to offer the school except for date rapes and AIDS jokes", "Society nods its head at any horror the American teenager can think upon itself. Nobody is going to care about exact handwriting"). He's hurt and mentally ill, but not sympathetic, or simply misguided, because what he does is driven by logic and a lack of empathy. He only reveals his emotions to manipulate Veronica. He does a lot of what he does because he can, he's chaotic, and proactive, experimental, ne-ti. Meanwhile, musical JD is portrayed as a victim of circumstance. He's misguided and hurt, there's the impression that he's fixable. He sees things as black and white, right or wrong, he feels people objectively deserve death, and that it's his right to give it to them. He only acts on things he truly believes in, doesn't mess around like Jd, and also isn't as proactive or experimental (for example, only movie JD seeks out veronica). Everything he believes in is not due to a logical framework, but rather a defence against the suffering he's endured. He is driven by his emotions, he believes something is right or wrong based on whether it hurts or it's blissful. Just look at these quotes, "But the sky's gonna hurt when it falls, So you better start building some walls" "You chucked me out like I was trash, For that you should be dead" "You were meant to be mine I am all that you need You carved open my heart Can't just leave me to bleed" (okay like the whole of meant to be yours is SUPER fi-te.) "We can start and finish wars We're what killed the dinosaurs We're the asteroid that's overdue The dinosaurs will turn to dust They'll die because we say they must" His suicide was very different too. Musical JD killed himself because he believed there was no hope for him to live in this world because he's too emotionally damaged. Movie JD realised his ideology had a theoretical logical flaw, because "Now that you're dead, what're you gonna do with your life?". Musical JDs death was very emotional for both him, veronica, and the audience. Movie JD's death was eerily emotionless. Because movie Heathers isn't a drama, it's a satirical black comedy, and JD isn't a person, he's a microcosm of a dangerous breed of nihilism that the movie is criticising. Every character represents an ideology or group of people. However the musical abandoned the social commentary and focussed on the drama, creating sympathetic individuals to provoke emotion in the audience. That's why the supposed same character can have both an ENTP and fi dom version, they were created with different intentions.

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