Mr. Toad نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Mr. Toad؟ Mr. Toad هو نوع ESTP في mbti ، 7w8 - sx/so - 738 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، SEE في Socionics."

No doubt he is a Se dom. But at first, I couldn’t decide whether he is E3 or E7. On one hand, he is extremely conceited and vain, fond of boasting himself and exaggerating his feats; while on the other hand, he is thoroughly interested in seeking fun and pleasure, in order to avoid negative feelings of deprivation. And then, I found some points which proved him to be E7. 1 He doesn’t care his image at all when it contradicts his quest for fun. Because of his audacious and crazy motor-car driving, he ruined his reputation more than once. But he didn’t care that at all, because he got the fun and joy he pursued. If this can be ascribed to his dumb and reckless nature, we can know what his attitude towards his image and fame really is when the Badger persuaded him to stop driving motor-cars by telling him what terrible results he had led to and how others were thinking about him. After a few minutes’ penitence, he threw his caution and conscience into the air and was resolved to enjoy the criminal joy again. I don’t think an E3 can still seek excitement at the cost of their reputation after they realize they are doing that. 2 Only when his joy is about to be deprived will he be penitent and remorseful for his rashness. On his journey from the jail to home, he escaped narrowly several times from the fate of being sent back to the prison. Every time he escaped from scrapes, he was eaten up with pride, like an unhealthy E3; and also, every time someone jeered at him, he got extremely annoyed, feeling that his pride and dignity was hurt, like an unhealthy E3. But, what is the most important thing for him? Dignity and others’ recognition, or fun and freedom? In the case of this Fi blind and 8fixed guy, it’s much more difficult for him to repent than to attack others. He tries his best not to experience the negative feeling of regret, but he doesn’t want to control his aggressiveness at all. So when he feels remorseful, it means a more important thing is under threat than when he can’t curb his aggresivity. In other words, when he expresses his anger, it’s nothing special. But when he truly feels that he is wrong, it means that he is hurt by the deprivation of something really matters to him. And when does he show his regret? It’s when his joy has already been deprived or when he knows he will be deprived of his freedom soon! Yes, every one will feel extremely bad when in prison. But this guy doesn’t consider his ruined reputation at all. He doesn’t worry about being laughed at by other animals because of his prison life, which is very shameful according to mainstream values. When in prison, E3s will lament their lost of freedom as well, but the thought that “What others will think about me?” will also haunt them. 3 After returning Toad Hall, his main purpose is to seek joy again. At first, he didn’t think of bragging about himself to other animals when he learnt that a banquet was going to be held that evening. What he complained to the Badger was that he was forced to do boring things. But at the thought of the possibility to add some pleasure to monotonous letter-writing, he got excited again. Why he loves “boasting” so much is that it makes him feel happy, but he doesn’t really rely them to fill his low sense of worth. So he is not E3. And also , when he is about to turn over a new leaf and stop bragging about himself eventually, his last conceited song is a farewell to trouble-bringing excitement and thrill, not to his vanity.

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المؤلفات أحرف مشابهة لـ Mr. Toad
