Jennifer Kale نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Jennifer Kale؟ Jennifer Kale هو نوع ESTJ في mbti ، 3w4 - sp/so - 316 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، LSE في Socionics."

Why Fe dominant? This woman is obviously Te dominant, she’s focused on actions instead of considering moral implications. Te thinks about objectivity over subjectivity, it’s about judgment and actions in the moment based on a universal object information system, unlike Fe, which acts under a universal MORAL system. She pulled Lilia out when the oven appeared, she put herself above everyone, a Fe dominant doesn’t act this way, a Fe dom acts according to what’s socially accepted. Just compare Sharon’s Fe, how can this woman have the same function as her? Yeah, she uses tertiary Ne, not Ni. She’s not seeing the implications of anything, can’t see what’s under the table, something Lilia (Ni dom) can do. Just think about selling products that harm the skin, her business comes first, her survival comes first, even if she has to scam people with it. Te-Si-Ne-Fi, I’m open to counterarguments, as long as they’re respectful.

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