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Amir El Amari "Cypher" نوع شخصية MBTI

Amir El Amari "Cypher" نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Amir El Amari "Cypher"؟ Amir El Amari "Cypher" هو نوع INTP في mbti ، 5w6 - sp/sx - 521 في enneagram ، RCOAI في Big 5 ، LII في Socionics."

This dude is basically someone who looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll. Mythology nerd, technology nerd, probably a history nerd too. Not to mention that awkward intro he does.

سيرة شخصية

The Moroccan information broker, Cypher is a one-man surveillance network who can keep tabs on the enemy's every move. No secret is safe. No maneuver goes unseen. Cypher is always watching. His basic abilities are Trapwire, a tripwire that tethers and reveals enemies, then dazes them if not destroyed in time, and Cyber Cage, a device that can be remotely activated to construct a zone that blocks vision and plays a sound cue when enemies pass through it. His signature ability is Spy Cam, employing a camera that lets Cypher observe the area and shoot a marking dart that periodically reveals the location of any player and lasts indefinitely unless manually removed by the marked enemy. His ultimate ability is Neural Theft, which uses a device in Cypher's hat on an opponent's corpse to reveal the location of all other living enemy players.

ألعاب الفيديو أحرف مشابهة لـ Amir El Amari "Cypher"
