Principal Lynn نوع شخصية MBTI

Principal Lynn نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Principal Lynn؟ Principal Lynn هو نوع ENTJ في mbti ، 3w2 - so/sp - 316 في enneagram ، SCOEI في Big 5 ، EIE في Socionics."

Te-Ni GirlBoss! But, seriously....... Her (Te) dominant function is clearly shown by her need to feel driven by her large scale goals with regard to acheiving top down order in the school. Any action she takes, whether it be emotionally manipulating the school staff or trying to prevent Kylar from committing suicide, are all rooted in this necessity of her's to maintain her position of power among the school staff. Her Aux function (Ni) is displayed by her natural ability to really get a sense/hunch of what's really going on even if there are no solid evidence that backs up her rationale. She did not need much facts on the ground to sus out that Nicole did not seem to be genuine with her volunteering, and that she could be involved in some questionable "charity" in a neighborhood that probably no other upper middle class student would go to even if they were needed to volunteer for a grade. And so, she had the foresight to call a police officier to at least keep an eye on her for the rest of the days remaining until the assignment's deadline.

سيرة شخصية

ألعاب الفيديو أحرف مشابهة لـ Principal Lynn
