Ellie Williams نوع شخصية MBTI

Ellie Williams نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Ellie Williams؟ Ellie Williams هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 6w7 - sx/so - 684 في enneagram ، SLUEI في Big 5 ، ESI في Socionics."

She is still an ENFP like in the first game, but has become an unhealthy one. Her personality has not changed. Her external behavior has, but not her personal way of thinking. This is because of everything that’s happened to her since the first game. After she learned the truth about what happened at St. Mary’s, she fell into a state of moderate stress, so she started using her her Ne dominant function in an unhealthy fashion and her other functions were blocked and could not moderate it. She was entirely caught up in the worst-case-scenario mindset where she constantly envisioned all the bad things that were happening to the world as a result of her being unable to sacrifice her life to potentially save it, and ended up forgetting about the things she loved (blocked Fi auxiliary). (SPOILER WARNING) After Joel was murdered, she fell into extreme grip levels of stress, and her inferior Si function began acting as her dominant function, and since it is her most underdeveloped function (opposite of Joel’s Si dominant as ISTJ) she has not learned to harness it correctly, so she can only use it in very negative fashions. She developed extreme tunnel vision and could only remember the bad times she’s been through leading up to Joel’s death (with a few exceptions), and her tertiary Te caused her to only think about achieving her goal in the quickest way possible, and made her unable to think rationally about what she was doing. She could only think about achieving her personal goal and was not able to think about how others were being affected. To make a long story short, Ellie is still an ENFP, but during the entire game she utilizes a Si grip which causes her to act like an unhealthy ISTJ.

سيرة شخصية

Having been born after the fungal infection had already collapsed modern civilization as we know it, Ellie doesn't know a life aside from the high walls of the quarantine zone. She was raised in perpetual fear. This, of course, sparks within her an obsession with relics from the past culture, such as books and music. This, too, leads to troublesome times at the boarding house she resides in. As it turns out, she's actually immune to the fungus and the Fireflies want her to make a vaccine.

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