Myc Cellium "Magic Myc" نوع شخصية MBTI

Myc Cellium "Magic Myc" نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Myc Cellium "Magic Myc"؟ Myc Cellium "Magic Myc" هو نوع ESTP في mbti ، 7w8 - sp/sx - 783 في enneagram ، SCUEI في Big 5 ، SEE في Socionics."

I don't think he's ENTP. ESTP is probably fully accurate. Different from Andre, he isn't high all the time (Most of the reason why Andre himself is an Ne dom), in fact, there are drugs which don't work on him for being a mushroom. He seems to have a lot of Se with how much he wishes to live his own adventurous experiences and getting his own satisfaction on social validation (Fe and 3 fix), cleverly insulting his coworkers with things easy to analyse and observe (Ti) and lacking constant self awareness and consequence measuring skills (Inferior Ni). But, sexual 7? On an ESTP? The type with Ne demon? Can I have the explanation for that?

سيرة شخصية

Myc Cellium, or Magic Myc, is a psychic subterranean mushroom creature described as “the office dickhead that likes to get inside your head, literally.”

الرسوم الكاريكاتورية أحرف مشابهة لـ Myc Cellium "Magic Myc"
