Lee Kiyoung MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Lee Kiyoung? Lee Kiyoung is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - sp/so - 378 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, in Socionics.

He could pass as an INTJ at first, judging by how he could see through people and project his vision into future plans (quite like Kim Dokja prototype)... but then the blurring extent to which he is acting and being honest with his feelings proves blind Fi rather than tertiary Fi. The way he takes into account other people's emotions and take advantage of them speaks tert Fe rather than blind Fe. Mastermind in patching up different possibilities (Ne), guided by what 'makes sense' more than what is (morally) 'right' (Ti), supported by the skill of manipulating and winning people's heart rather (Fe) than scrutinizing the system or pre-existing rules to beat the game (Te) - I guess speaks for ENTP more than INTJ. + in chapter 30 & before that Rather than showing conclusive Ni, he tends to create a hypothetical scenarios to make sense of the situation, which speaks Ne. Like how ridiculous it would be to see his comrades without the 'bonds of teammates who went through life and death' they've built together. And his thoughts started astray imagining different versions of Park Deokgu, Jung Hayan, and Kim Hyunsung that were out of character. Also, one of his rebellious side that speaks Ne+Ti rather than Ni+Te is: (talking about the 'boomer' judges) "But even though seeing this piss me off, I'm also happy about it. If it's gonna be like this, I'd rather have them neglect and scorn me more." But his fluency in hatching schemes really makes him seem like an INTJ (?). And how he's vexed at how 'powerless' and 'hopeless' his low rank, power (or stats or whvtever u say) was, kinda exudes Te's fundamental need to possess (or be in) power. Or is it enneagram 3's desire for competence? Also, seeing how he's 'pretending' to feel guilty after murdering someone, but then starting to feel guilty for real until people fall for his acting, so he started internally smirking in satisfaction.... I think he's emotionally and morally numb. Also, he seems to cope with his guilt by justifying that he's "a bad person" and "would do whatever it takes for his own survival and gain". But idk I have a feeling that he'll get character development where he begins to genuinely care for the people he's been 'pretending' to care... but that's just based on my database of fantasy (with a dash of camaraderie) plot developments I've read…


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