ESTP MBTI Personality Type
What personality type is ESTP? ESTP is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sp/so - 873 in Enneagram, SCUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.
The probability that an ESTP profile on this database will be that type. 0% does not mean that this personality have never been typed that type because I only took a small proportion of all of the profiles on PDB. 1w9 : 0.13% 1w2 : 0.02% 1 : 0.15% 2w1 : 0% 2w3 : 0.23% 2 : 0.23% 3w2 : 7.24% 3w4 : 5.69% 3 : 12.93% 4w3 : 0.28% 4w5 : 0% 4 : 0.28% 5w4 : 0% 5w6 : 0.17% 5 : 0.17% 6w5 : 0.29% 6w7 : 4.66% 6 : 4.95% 7w6 : 4.65% 7w8 : 38.81% 7 : 43.46% 8w7 : 30.07% 8w9 : 4.97% 8 : 35.03% 9w8 : 2.72% 9w1 : 0.07% 9 : 2.78% Choleric [Dominant] : 19.76% Melancholic [Dominant] : 0.03% Phlegmatic [Dominant] : 1.06% Sanguine [Dominant] : 14.01% Choleric-Melancholic : 2.09% Choleric-Phlegmatic : 3.13% Choleric-Sanguine : 27.71% Melancholic-Choleric : 0.34% Melancholic-Phlegmatic : 0% Melancholic-Sanguine : 0.71% Phlegmatic-Choleric : 1.58% Phlegmatic-Melancholic : 0% Phlegmatic-Sanguine : 2.03% Sanguine-Choleric : 23.77% Sanguine-Melancholic : 0.51% Sanguine-Phlegmatic : 3.28% sp/sx : 16.92% sp/so : 7.99% sx/sp : 22.36% sx/so : 27.35% so/sp : 5.89% so/sx : 19.48% LII : 0% LSI : 0.64% ESI : 0% EII : 0% IEE : 0.38% SEE : 39.32% SLE : 36.86% ILE : 7.72% ESE : 7.43% EIE : 0.32% LIE : 1.27% LSE : 1.79% SEI : 0.98% IEI : 0% ILI : 0% SLI : 3.28% FVLE : 16.92% FVEL : 8.12% FLVE : 10.44% FLEV : 3.36% FELV : 2.55% FEVL : 3.87% EVLF : 0.21% EVFL : 1.12% ELVF : 0.4% ELFV : 0.95% EFVL : 0.36% EFLV : 0.94% LVEF : 0.38% LVFE : 1.43% LEVF : 0% LEFV : 0% LFVE : 0.34% LFEV : 0.53% VLEF : 3.4% VLFE : 3.02% VEFL : 1.48% VELF : 1.1% VFEL : 12.07% VFLE : 27% Social: 93.94% Calm: 47.37% Organized: 12.96% Accommodating: 21.9% Inquisitive: 24.53%
1. Se - extroverted Sensing Se is the main way SeTi’s take in information and their core function. This means they use their senses to understand the world around them and they handle solid, real world information better than vague hypotheticals. They live in the moment and need to constantly seek out adventure and fun, sensory experiences to keep Se happy. 2. Ti - introverted Thinking Ti is what fuels their drive to understand the world, as well as their focus on mastering hands-on skills and talents. It comes second in their “functional stack”, and it operates mostly in their subconscious. It primarily does analysis on the ideas that their Se creates based on their experiences. It provides a logical framework and reference material to determine which ideas are logical and which are not, and to figure out how they might be implemented. Because Ti is serving Se, it primarily seeks knowledge as a “tool” that can be wielded to solve problems. 3. Fe - extroverted Feeling Fe is third, and is where the SeTi’s humanitarian side originates. It is a major factor in their drive to use their problem-solving skills to help others and make the world a better place, rather than using them for purely selfish purposes. In social situations, it often combines with Se to make them huge jokers. Although they’re a more extroverted type, they often get into social situations where they just enjoy the company and don’t feel the need to say much. Because of their strong Se, they often choose to show affection for others through their actions as it tends to be the most comfortable for them. 4. Ni - introverted iNtuition Ni is the SeTi’s last function and is often their achilles heel. It is inherently not as strong as their other functions because their highest priority and focus is on Se. Ni allows them to pull from every area in their brain to find valuable data, to look for patterns in the information they gather, or to skip ten steps ahead and predict what will happen in the future. Ni makes their internal world abstract and can involve jumping around on intuitive leaps. It can also give them the sense that it’s okay to not have everything figured out. Overuse of their Ni can be very draining, and may be unhealthy if it’s constantly given priority over other functions.