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INFJ MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is INFJ? INFJ is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/so - 549 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

INFJ: personality type analysis Ni-dom: When living the events of their lives, people with the Ni function in the basic position want these events to serve one meaning; such people most of all want their life to be whole and meaningful. Hence the interest in self-development and reflection, the confidence that nothing happens for nothing, the desire to be able to transform events so that everything is not in vain. Fe-Aux: These people have a desire to share their feelings so that others can share them. This means that they like to draw conclusions about something, or make decisions that are related to sympathies and impulses, their own or others. The meme community (and not only) has turned Fe into a synonym for empathy and a talent for decent socialization, but both things speak rather about the mental health of any person. A person without empathy may be an INFJ: So you can come up with a sociopath who, on impulse (attention to feelings, and therefore ethics), began either to scold someone, or decides to aggression towards this “someone”. His Fe will be that he will want people to accept his emotional assessment of a person (as we remember, our INFJ sociopath does not have sympathy for someone), agree with it, believe that that person is really worthy of hating him. Simply put: INFJs and any strong Fe user want you and other people to love something together, or hate it, and they don’t really need arguments. Ti-Tert: INFJs have maximum freedom; they are not afraid to blurt out something wrong. But the main problem when it comes to the need to argue... Argumentation is important to them, their analysis is important. If in sensory assessments they are concerned about someone else’s work on this function, then they want to build the argument themselves, preferably without adjusting to someone else’s opinions. Such people are sure that they need to look for their own explanations for the facts, but it is difficult to implement this function. Since the function is painful, sometimes in disputes INFJs can begin to swear and get personal in strong emotions. Sometimes they can even deliberately say that rationality is not needed... Se-Inf: When they think about themselves, they are interested in seeing themselves as a character included in their plot, where every detail has meaning, but being whole with other people, they are not at all against chaos in actions and words. And this chaos can be anything: related to street affairs, right down to internet affairs. Gaining experience when something has gone nowhere is interesting to them, and they believe that they need people in life who can offer something meaningless without fear (this is not always directly related to active actions, they may not exist in principle) Shadow Ne: INFJs ignore and do not consider it necessary to play in general semantic plots. They are not interested in jokes like historical trends, analyzing something in the light of postmodernity, ancient philosophy or the like. They don’t care where all the people go, what he and others form together. And that’s why tearful comments, saying that society is deteriorating, are not understandable to them, because for them society as a whole is a multitude going nowhere, and in this multitude it is important not to lose yourself, building your life into some kind of meaningful whole of events. Shadow Fi: These people do not believe that feelings are a personal matter. While telling you that Marvel is a good cinematic universe, which is amazingly impressive, they will not be happy with the words that everyone has their own feelings about the film. They are somehow trying to put you in the “right” mood. Shadow Te: When you've gotten over the INFJ's jokes about how facts can be interpreted in any way, they can really mindlessly appeal to evidence and unambiguous and universally known truths, all in the name of saving self-esteem. If you know that a person is Ti Tert and has protected his self-esteem through Te, then just remain silent. Shadow Si: They are afraid that their life will be filled with events where nothing happened that could make their life a beautiful meaningful whole consisting of many events. (I adapted it from Russian into English so that more people could read this analysis, since it really helped me understand that I am an INFJ. Sorry if the translation may not be clear. Author of the analysis: @koity_types – Tik Tok)


1. Ni - internal iNtuition Ni is the way that an NiFe perceives their inner world, it dictates the way they store information and how they perceive that information. It also heavily dictates the path that their train of thought will take. Ni tends to store information in a spread out way with all the pieces of data having connections of various strengths to multiple additional pieces of data. This creates a dense web-like mass of information that is too large to be viewed in detail as a whole, but can be zoomed in on to show intricate clusters and threads of thoughts. This network of data rests slightly outside of the conscious mind, giving Ni a dreamlike quality that is equally likely to be experienced in images and impressions as it is to produce concrete facts. Because the focus of the Ni perception is constantly scanning the whole but also frequently zooming in on various thoughts and feelings and changing angles on a subject, Ni dominant people tend to experience their inner world as constantly fluctuating. 2. Fe - external Feeling Fe is the NiFe’s first extroverted function, so this is the function that the NiFe is most likely to use when interacting with the outer world and it is the filter through which they receive communication from the rest of the world. Fe is also the way that the NiFe processes their emotions. This function serves Ni and is primarily focused on other people. 3. Ti - internal Thinking Ti makes decisions based on logic and operates internally. Ti helps to stabilize the shifty nature of Ni and helps the NiFe to interpret their Ni connections in a sensible way. This function can help them to fully understand the connections that Ni makes outside of the conscious realm. 4. Se – external Sensing Se is the NiFe’s last and least developed function. This function is what perceives the outer world as stable, concrete, and structured. It’s also the function that helps an NiFe to be aware of their surroundings, appreciate beauty, be fully present in the moment, and feel connected to the physical world. This function is operating at a low level on the NiFe’s awareness radar and gives them only the minimum input required for the tasks they are doing unless the NiFe actively engages this function. Unfortunately for the NiFe, they can experience the outer world as overwhelming and stressful if they spend too much time actively taking in outside stimulus, or if real world facts and data escalate to an intensity that demands the NiFe’s full focus.
