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Flat Earth Society MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Flat Earth Society? Flat Earth Society is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - - 638 in Enneagram, RLOEI in Big 5, in Socionics.

This is actually pure Ti thing, the tendency to question and doubt everything told to us, to challenge the "facts" and science, while Te is saying this is science and objective facts, Ti says nothing is objective and everything is subject to questioning, what is science? Why science MUST be true? It really relies on its own personal framework to understand things. Te is the function that wouldn't doubt something like this, Te relies on the objective proved criteria. I was expecting more NTP's to support this move here tbh, Ti however is subjective, what makes sense to one Ti user might not be the case for another Ti user, so one Ti can tell you that it makes sense for him that the earth is round, while the other might suggest the other way around (that it's flat). I myself never doubted something like this, never even questioned whether earth is really round as we studied or not, ideas like this are ultimately generated by Ti users, something I learned to admire, this amount of confidence in one's own logic above the external one, this ability to actually come up with something new and never be bound or limited by what we already know, this taught me to become more open minded and actually listen to new ideas, what if they actually are true?! Just a possibility in mind, anything can be true it's really dumb to never see alternatives and remain subject to what we already were taught in schools and told by authorities.


In 1956, Samuel Shenton created the Flat Earth Society as a successor to the Universal Zetetic Society. The Flat Earth Society's most recent planet model is that humanity lives on a disc, with the North Pole at its center and a 150-foot-high (46 m) wall of ice, Antarctica, at the outer edge.
